Peace and Order
City Ordinance No. 08, S-2014
Ordinance Mandating Business Establishment Operating within the territorial jurisdiction of Baybay City to install closed circuit television (CCTV) System.
City Ordinance No. 06, S-2014
Baybay City Anti-Crimnality Action Plan Ordinance
City Ordinance No. 002, S-2009
Ordinance Imposing Curfew on Minors in the City of Baybay.
City Ordinance No. 006, S-2008
Ordinance Instituting the Comprehensive Drugs Ordinance of the City of Baybay.
Municipal Ordinance No. 003, S-2003
Ordinance Requiring All Public Local Officials and National Officials and Employees Stationed in the Municipality of Baybay, Leyte to undergo Random Drug Test.
Municipal Ordinance No. 005, S-2002
Ordinance Prohibiting any Person from Sniffing Rugby, Solvent or Similar substance.
Municipal Ordinance No. 004, S-2001
Ordinance Regulating the Time of Dispensing and/or selling of Liquor wine and other Alcoholic Drinks.